Our Director

Posted by Paul Cheung on February 18, 2017  •  •   •  •   •  •   •  •   •  • 

Programme Director

Dr Paul Cheung

Mobile:    (852)9109 3609
Email:      paul@hope-psy.org




Programme Director Dr Paul Cheung coordinates the course development and related academic activities, and supervises the counselling service on individual as well as group basis. He is a Charter Member of the International Positive Psychology Association and an International Affiliate of the American Psychological Association. Because of his rich experience in education, training, management and counselling, he is often invited to give lectures and conduct workshops on psychology and communication for different organizations including tertiary institutions, secondary and primary schools, publishers, religious groups, non-governmental organizations, corporations, and various departments of the Hong Kong Government.  Since 2014, he has been appointed as External Examiner of Vocational Training Council.

Also, he is the originator of "HOPE®―Applied Positive Psychology", a programme that helps people live a happy life and improve performance at work. Dr Cheung always shares his philosophy of life on radio. He has been interviewed by mass media including Cable TV, Ming Pao and East Week to express his professional views. He is the author of two college textbooks: Positive Psychology for Everyday Living and Be an Eloquent Speaker Today, and the bestseller: 《你也可以快樂喔!圖解正向心理學》.